About The Author

Pat O’Regan

Pat O’Regan is a retired business writer with a life-long love of books and writing. He comes from a family of seven siblings in a small farming community in Minnesota. Average in every other way, only the writing in his life stands out. From the time an English teacher in high school published his themes in the local paper, his writing has attracted attention. Through college and after, as he read Joyce, Proust and Shakespeare, he wrote short stories (none published). He later graduated to novels and plays, finally getting some of the short stories published. In his 40’s he learned to love poetry and was published frequently in that genre. As he read Chekhov (the best in prose, for him), Tolstoy, Dickens and Melville, he self-published novels and plays. Along the way, Pat has worked steadily. His first real job, not counting being drafted and serving in Vietnam, was as a college instructor in Biology (he has a Masters in Zoology). The mainstay of his working life has been technical writing, working on contract for many firms. Finally, he has retired to do his own thing – write and read great books. Yes, Pat was married (for six years), but had no kids. He has traveled widely – driving all over the country in his youth – and retains a life-long craving for fitness, still running and lifting weight, regularly. Though there have been regrets – life is better shared – he finds life to have been rich and wholesome. Now past 70, he really believes the best years are still yet to be.


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About The Book

The Story Of My Life

This is the story of a life of emotional struggle. Pat starts out as a lost soul. Not a drop of love – but gushes of violence – could find its way into his family-of-origin. Loaded with anger and hurt, he struggles to go on, carrying the heavy burden of his past, finding little true joy in life. But Pat, always physically active, comes to have a driving love for learning, reading great books and writing. Thus sustained, he grows in his love for God and others. The book tells the story of one man’s struggle to grow and to thrive. Pat’s story is a triumph of the human spirit against great odds. No matter how hard the start, his life proclaims, one can find a way to a happy, loving and fulfilling life.

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